You never know what will happen to you in the furue..until you know:D

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 21. oktobris


SO today was fun..i got a ten in my history test, but 4 at chemestry :D sucks.. :D but who`s chemestry..sure not gonna use it :D and i went to one completaly useless presentation about studying abroad.. well but at least i went there.. and one more thing..the weather just sucks.. it`s raining, and it`s cold and it`s windy.. oh i miss summer so badly.. :(

one more thing.. es i`m addicted to nerimon and charliesocoolliek at youtube, i wa swatching a couple of minutes back some old alex day [narimon] video where he is drinking coffee for the first time in his life [ link to the video below] and i couldn`t understand WHY HE DIDN`T like it... COFFEE IS TASTY... actually while i  was watching the video I remembered that i haven`t drink a coffee for a long time...that means that i will go and make some (sun) but alex is british..maybe it`s reasonable..tea n stuff.... anyhow..

tomorrow is last train gig.. can`t wait.. :D adn and and...tomorrow is the last day before the holiday..

ph almost completaly forgot.. today i met my old friend..have not seen her for three years and we just met at that presentation..and afterwards we talked a bit and it was nice to meet up and just talk..noce to see old friends..made my day for 100 % !!!!

p.s. i`m so suprised that i`m comleted my goal so far..i`ve posted one post every day so far...hopefuly i will have a strenght to do it in future as well..

anyway..i`m going to make some coffee...

and if u wana see how much alex don`t like coffee -->

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